This is where fans can see where starting quests for the new Reaper and Sage jobs start, learn juicy new details on raids and dungeons, and look at screenshots of the newest minions, mounts, and glamours. By Nikita Last updated FF14 is a hugely popular game and now that the Endwalker expansion is here, the fan base is only going to get bigger.
The full patch notes went live ahead of the new update, which means reading through them will give players a bit of a headstart before logging in to Endwalker. x Video Game Guides FF14 Queue Not Moving FFXIV Long Queue Times Explained Is your FFXIV queue stuck and not moving Here's what you need to know about the long FF14 queue times. Thankfully, there are some easy solutions to help pass the time while waiting for the queue in FFXIV. The most obvious of these, of course, is reading through the 6.0 patch notes for Endwalker. Related: FFXIV: The Fastest Way To Level Reaper And Sage Still, wait times seem even longer if players are simply staring at the screen and watching as the number of people in the queue gets smaller and smaller. Ahead of Patch 6.0's release, Square Enix warned players that server congestion in FFXIV would likely be an issue, giving fans plenty of time to prepare for long wait times and queues. FFXIV is more popular than ever, and both longtime fans and newcomers are eager to see what the expansion has to offer - as well as how the story of Zodiark will end. This is Endwalker's early access launch, but wait times will presumably get even longer when the expansion releases fully on December 7th.The simple fact is, many people are eager to start Endwalker. Most recently, New World was plagued by queues after launch, prompting its developers to scrabble for a solution. It's entirely typical for a new MMO or large expansion to lead to long wait times for players. The error is apparently caused when "the number of characters waiting in a login queue for a logical Data Center exceeds 17,000", but the only solution is seemingly to "wait a while before trying again."

There's also detail about error messages, including an "Error 2002" being reported by many users.
Square Enix also explain how the queuing process works, noting that players of the full version are prioritised over free trial characters, and highlight functionality that lets characters visit less crowded servers "within the same Data Center." "Although we were unable to add new Worlds, we have implemented every other measure that was possible, such as replacing the matching servers with higher-performance machines, optimizing processes, increasing processing speeds, and raising the number of simultaneous logins," they say. The post says that they have "optimized" servers ahead of the launch to increase login caps, but that the semiconductor shortage means they're "unable to add new Worlds before the release of Endwalker." "Furthermore, following a dramatic increase in the player base in all regions since this summer, we are currently experiencing record numbers of active users, and therefore are expecting a number of logins that is yet to be seen since the launch of FFXIV. "Since the launch of a new expansion is when a large number of players will be playing for extended periods of time, we are expecting far more simultaneous logins compared to usual," reads the post. In a forum post, Endwalker's developers say that the game's surge in popularity over the past year means that they're expecting "a number of logins that is yet to be seen since the launch of FFXIV," but that the global semiconductor shortage means they can't fix the issue. Early access to Final Fantasy XIV's Endwalker expansion kicked off today and players are reporting hours-long waits, frequent errors and more while trying to join servers. It's the launch of a new MMO expansion, and you know what that means: queues.